1 September 2021

Essay: Heartfelt Christian unity for Afghanistan – Tim Costello

In John 17 Jesus prays his longest and most heartfelt prayer; it is that His followers would be one as He and His Father are one. Perhaps the greatest scandal of Christian history is that Christians have been so privately disunited, and worse, publicly divided. Disunited on everything from baptism and communion to denominational schisms and doctrine.

Something deep in the hearts of Christians was touched by Afghanistan and it connected powerfully with the Bible’s teaching that God’s heart is particularly touched by the plight of the refugee. And those churches signing on included our Prime Minister’s Pentecostal denomination, the Australian Christian Church, Hillsong and the Australian Christian Lobby along with Catholics, Anglicans, Uniting, Baptists and many others.

Read Tim Costello’s full essay in Sight Magazine.

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